
Feel free to peruse the short you tube videos below...

The video below is a great overview of how the chlorine dioxide molecule works from a scientific basis. This video will discuss the basic molecule makeup, right up to commercial / industrial applications. The ClO2 is the logical choice for disinfecting & making water portable - being very useful against biofilm (which is a major issue with commercial food processing). Chlorine dioxide is known as an electron donor, which makes it the perfect molecule to deal with free radical type molecules that are unstable.




Below is a video that outlines how entire rooms (or even large facilities) can be fumigated for the sake of bacterial control - all at the one time. This is done via the activation of the base chemical within a closed shut down environment so as to completely saturate every possible area. The gas completely fills the enclosed space - subsequently doing its job with breaking down biofilm (which inevitably destroys the target pathogens). This is an ingenious way to fumigate areas that may have had long standing mold issues & such. Well worth a watch - interesting for sure...